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Soul Corporations

The cross maybe the ultimate metaphor

For religion sold as a brand

A sacrifice exchanged for the almighty dollar

With the tacit blessings of the Vatican.

We all have guardians trading faith for power

Businessmen by whom we swear

Betraying everyone from Eshwar to Allah

With their holy wars for market share

We're losing our religions, entrusting our Gods

To corporates that prostrate before balance sheets

Unsuspecting pawns initiating brethren

Into the oldest MLM to stalk our streets

Behold the soul corporations, the spiritual supermarts

Dispensing salvation with a price tag

Mocking the truth that resides in our hearts

Paralysing the human conscience with practiced art

And of the various hues of desecration

This makes them the hardest to beat

The unsure can't endure the liberation

The pious don't discern the need

And if there is a truth to be told,

Religion's just a shadow of god,

Illumined by thought and understanding...

Sullied by the ambiguity of words

And of the various hues of desecration

This makes them the hardest to beat

The unsure can't endure the liberation

The pious don't discern the need

-Suraj Mani

"And if there is a truth to be told, religion's just a shadow of god."

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